The annual feast of Infant Jesus Church Hemmakki,
under the jurisdiction of Hirebile Parish, was
celebrated with grandeur and devotion on
Tuesday, January 14. The festival commenced at
10 a.m. with a grand procession. Rev. Fr.
Anthony Raj, the Parish Priest of Samse, blessed
the chariot of Infant Jesus, followed by the
Holy Mass. Rev. Fr. Alwyn Joe, the Assistant
Parish Priest of Koppa, celebrated the Holy Mass
and delivered a meaningful homily on hope, in
line with the Year of Jubilee.
Fr. Anthony Raj distributed candles to all the
families of the sub-station and to the donors of
the feast. The parish priest Rev Fr David
Prakash, extended his gratitude to everyone for
their contributions towards the successful
preparation of the feast. The festive Mass
concluded with the Agape.
A notable aspect of this church is the rare and
miraculous statue of Infant Jesus. This statue
was gifted by the Most Reverend Bernard Moras,
the then Archbishop of Bangalore, on the
auspicious occasion of the church's 10th
anniversary. He brought the statue from the
Czech Republic, the origin of the devotion to
the Infant Jesus, and installed it in the
church. All the devotees celebrated the feast of
Infant Jesus with fervor, offering prayers and
making the festival a meaningful event.
Reported by: Reena Rego, Hirebile